Our values.

We are a word and spirit church that shares the gospel across Manchester and beyond.

Who we are and all that we do flows out of three words: Gospel, Word & Spirit. These three things are the most important things to us, and every time we meet we delight in and celebrate the gift of the gospel, the authority of the word and the power of the Spirit.

We really love and fully affirm the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith as a foundation for what we believe. As we’ve relatively become a charity, we’re now in process of becoming members of the Evangelical Alliance.

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As a free gift of grace, we have received new life in Jesus Christ. This is simply the best news ever heard, and as a people transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ, we are passionate about living it out and proclaiming it in our city

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The Bible is God’s Word and it speaks to us today. In fact, it’s our authority on everything we do. We take what it says seriously and we preach from it, taking time to understand what it’s saying. We know the truth of the Bible leads us into fullness of life.

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We believe being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit is essential to the Christian life and to the local church. We hunger for, and are shaped by, the presence of God and we encourage the use of the spiritual gifts to help build up the church.