Kids (0-11 yrs)

We love having kids and families at Revelation Church. We run Kids groups from age 0 to 10 for our whole main meeting. Each group is led by its own dedicated team who are there to ensure our kids feel safe, have fun and learn about God for themselves.

In their groups your children will enjoy play, craft and Bible teaching from our Rev Kids team, as well as make friends and build community with others like them. At the same time, parents can fully engage with God in the main meeting!

There’s no need to do anything before you come, just turn up on Sunday morning. You can check-in your children from 10:25am at their Kids group upstairs. You’ll then be able to pick them up after the main meeting finishes at 11.45am. We value having children part of the whole family too, so occasionally will invite them to join us for the worship time in our main meeting and we also love to include them during our baptism meetings.

Youth (12-18 yrs)

We also run our Sunday youth group for anyone aged 11-18. We encourage our young people to join in with the worship in the main meeting, before heading upstairs part way through the morning to spend time with our youth team. Their time together will consist of games, snacks and opportunity to open the Bible together to develop their own relationship with God.

We want you to know your child is safe. All of our Kids teams are trained and DBS checked. During their training phase, team members are accompanied by a trained & DBS checked team member at all times. If you have any questions about our Kids work we’d love to hear from you - drop us an email on